Thursday, March 8, 2012

Cooking adventure #2

Not nearly as successful. Attempted to make a dijon baked chicken with sauteed mushrooms and onions + a side of asparagus. Ran into the following issues:
  • Realized I did not have a sharp knife, had to trim my chicken with a butter knife
  • Still not having a sharp knife, had to cut onions + garlic with another butter knife
  • Tried to steam asparagus, pot was not tall enough. Boiled, flipped over, boiled again
  • Tried to pour water out of asparagus pot to free up a burner, asparagus fell out with it
  • Instinctively reached out to catch asparagus, slight burn on right hand
  • Realized my oven was actually a dishwasher; could not bake chicken
  • Chicken was too thick, impossible to cook through without overcooking the outside
Other than that, pretty good though. The chicken came out more or less right all said and done, the dijon was a good call, veggies were great, even the asparagus somehow came out in that tolerable zone that's not mushy/stringy/hard.

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