Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Ceviche and a beer

[Beginning of boring stuff]

Long day... slept from about 1-6 (not straight through), work 830-6, gym, etc. Company seems great though, very high tech, good people, nice perks/benefits, material is interesting. Met a million people, don't remember their names. No need to really document anything about KRFS because I'll be there for a while, ask me directly if you have any questions.

[End of boring stuff]

Food report: went out for lunch with some team members and ended up at a decent (touristy) Latin American restaurant right in the shopping heart of Coconut Grove. The name of the place was Jaguar, and though Jaguar doesn't identify as one particular national/ethnic style, both of the girls I ate with were Cuban and unimpressed. The girls were also unable to give me a good recommendation for Cuban food because they cook it themselves instead of going out... For me though, it was a pretty solid lunch. Their equivalent of pre-meal bread was blue corn chips and pita chips (both probably from a bag, meh) and some fried plantain chips with a pretty delicious tomatoey sauce that I can best describe as "not exactly salsa". Lunch was grilled mahi-mahi, it was a goodish piece of fish. Kinda thin but a perfect amount of oily and only a little bland, cooked well, and a served with a very complimentary pesto based sauce that I didn't think I'd enjoy. The side of black beans and rice, however, was very disappointing. I'll swim to Cuba if I have to...

I wanted to grab something quick for dinner so I decided to give the hotel's restaurant a try. They claim to have the best ceviche in Coconut Grove so I ordered a combo appetizer; their snapper and tuna were supposed to be best so I got two and one respectively. Verdict? Not bad. The fish was all good quality but the snapper was overly citrusy to the point where I couldn't really taste the fish, and the tuna was a bit bland and more in a conventional Asian style. I tried an unfamiliar Peruvian beer with it, which may have been the highlight.

Oh, and 1 ceviche appetizer + 1 beer? $30.

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