Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Cooking adventure #1

If this is the first time you're seeing this blog, scroll down to the bottom. (Blogger doesn't allow you to organize your posts in chronological order for some reason). If you're wondering why I waited until day 3 to share this blog though, it's because it just didn't feel right until I had an official cooking post. So here goes.

I decided to start cooking for a few reasons. The local restaurants don't seem to be great, plus they're progressively inconvenient to get to. I'd also like to eat healthy, and there's an upscale-ish grocery right next to my office. I also have a $50 per diem for food, and a pretty decent kitchen setup in my hotel room. Add it all together and it's time for the return of:

Just kidding, I have $50/day to spend on food.

1.1lb seared Yellowfin Tuna steak seasoned with sea salt and cracked pepper, served over a salad of mixed greens and red pepper with a dressing of oil and fresh squeezed lemon juice.

Not bad right? Originally I was gonna grab a pre-made rotisserie chicken but I picked out the first thing in the store that jumped at me, and it just so happens that the first thing to jump at me was a $26 piece of fresh yellowfin tuna. Came out pretty good actually, though the fish should have been seasoned more evenly.

Unfortunately I'm all out of ideas for what to make over the next few weeks, so if anyone has a suggestion or challenge...?

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